Account Opening
Information needed to open an account:
- Fully completed, signed application found on the Account Wizard
- Documentation as outlined in the documentation matrix located within the account application
You may open a new Cash Advantage - Checking Account by using to pull up your client’s account in the Online Maintenance Tool. Select the Add Checking Account feature and follow the instructions to generate the required forms.
Please note: Incomplete applications or applications submitted without proper documentation will delay processing.
Total amount of time for account to be opened after AssetMark Trust receives the completed, signed, and documented application is 3-5 business days.
The initial funding amount as listed on the application will be transferred to the Cash Advantage - Checking Account even if a deposit is made from another source.
Online Account Access: Your client's user ID for online account access is provided in the Welcome Kit. Click here to see a sample. If this is your client's first account being serviced by The Bancorp Bank, N.A. (Bank), the password will be sent by email, provided an email address was included on the application; otherwise, the password will arrive separately by U.S. mail.
If your client currently has another account being serviced by the Bank, they will log on to our website at with the same user ID and password used for the other account. The other account may be with Cash Advantage or another organization which offers banking services through the Bank. The client will not receive new login credentials for this account nor will they be prompted to change the password.
Checks and Debit Cards: If checks and/or debit cards were chosen at the time of application, they will arrive in the mail within 7-14 business days. Please note that the Bank provides free standard style check orders and reorders (single or duplicate checks). If a client would like to order another type of check, a $15 courtesy discount towards the order will be provided.
After account opening, statements are produced monthly. Click here to see a sample.